Saturday, August 27, 2011

World’s First Computer Virus

World’s First Computer Virus : 

               It is said that talent has no boundaries and if a person has the ability he may
succeed even in the constricted circumstances.
               The above line could be justified when we take a look at the history of computer
virus. The first ever computer virus was developed in 1986 by two Pakistani brothers in Lahore

               The first computer virus named “Brain” was designed by Amjad Farooq Alvi and Basit
Farooq Alvi with the intention of detering the piracy of a software written by them.

                 “Brain virus” was not destructive and used to test the replication attributes of
DOS.  Brain had the function to replicate itself within the disks inserted inside a brain hit

               Both the genius brothers are entrepreneurs and are currently operating a company
named“Brain Pvt Limited” that provides ISP, IPTV, Telephony and various other services to the
potential customers.

                 The interesting fact remains that the location of the “Brain Pvt Limited” is
exactly the same where the virus was first developed.  It is quite surprising that these two
brothers were so brave that they even mentioned the original address on the computer virus.  The
following lines were found written as a part of the entire virus structure

“Welcome to the Dungeon
(c) 1986 Basit & Amjad (pvt) Ltd.
LAHORE-PAKISTAN PHONE :430791,443248,280530.
Beware of this VIRUS….
Contact us for vaccination………… $#@%$@!!”

                   At the 25th Anniversary of Brain virus Mikko Hypponen the Chief Research Officer
at F-Secure visited Pakistan all the way from Germany to meet these two brothers who are now
corporate personalities.

                   In Pakistan “Brain Pvt Limited” has been in the limelight for offering free of
cost Internet on Dial Up Connections. Watch the video below to get aware of more facts about the
first ever computer virus


Friday, August 26, 2011

The History of the Airplane and Flight

Wright Brothers testing the first military aircraft

                      The inventors of the first airplane were Orville and Wilbur Wright. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made the first successful experiment in which a machine (aka airplane) carrying a man rose by its own power, flew naturally and at even speed, and descended without damage.
What is an Airplane?

          Most of us only have to look up into the sky to see an airplane, and many of us have traveled by airplane to places that would have taken much longer by any other means of transportation. An airplane by definition is an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets.

Before the Wright Brothers - History of Flight

         However, before the first airplane was invented by the Wright Brothers, inventors made numerous attempts to make like the birds and fly. These early inventions included kites, hot air balloons, airships, gliders, and other devices.

Orville Wright & Wilbur Wright - First Piloted & Powered Airplane

          "Flight is possible to man...[and] I feel that it will soon cost me an increased amount of money if not my life". - Wilbur Wright Co-Inventor of the first engined airplane.
Orville Wright (1871-1948) and Wilbur Wright (1867-1912) had requested a patent application for a "flying machine" nine months before their first successful flight, they were that confidant.

As part of the Wright Brothers' systematic practice of photographing every prototype and test of their various flying machines, they had persuaded an attendant from a nearby lifesaving station to snap Orville Wright in full flight. The craft soared to an altitude of 10 feet, traveled 120 feet, and landed 12 seconds after takeoff. After making two longer flights that day, Orville and Wilbur Wright sent a telegram to their father, instructing him to inform the press that manned flight had taken place. This was birth of the first real airplane.

Airplane Technology - How Does an Airplane Fly

           All things that fly need air. Air has power to push and pull on the birds, balloons, kites and planes. So how does an airplane use the properties of air to create flight.

Post Propeller - Jet Airplane Technology

           Inventors continued to improve airplanes after the Wright Brothers, and this led to the invention of jets, which are used by both the military and commercial airlines. A jet is an airplane propelled by jet engines. Jets fly much faster than propeller-powered aircraft and at higher altitudes - as high as 10,000 to 15,000 meters (about 33,000 to 49,000 ft).
Two engineers, Frank Whittle of the United Kingdom and Hans von Ohain of Germany, developed the jet engine during the late 1930s.

Beyond Airplanes - Space Flight

           The evolution of the rocket has made it an indispensable tool in the exploration of space and space flight. By the end of the 19th century, inventors were beginning to consider the possibility of space travel.



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